Newsletter 30/03/2023

Thursday Weekly News & Notices

 No flight today so a NewsLetter instead!


- Wick textures and lighting changes

- Aberdeen implementation

- Snow removed on Wick/Abz route

- Check-in system GUI update

- Wick performance optimisation

- Aberdeen staff room

- Aberdeen scripts & systems

- Aberdeen tweaks and fixes

- New airport to begin development

 Flights and Management announcements

Thank you for 2100 ROBLOX group members!

 Many flights hosted without SLT - 100% flights went ahead?

100% of flights landed on time

 Thank you @MrVerse99 for investing with sponsor!

Friday's flight:

 Flight service resumes as normal from Friday

 Successful Aberdeen V2 inaugural!

 More SLT absences expected

New EastTech product!

 Aberdeen 2021 final flight took place

 GMT - BST time change made clear

 Q1 conference:

 Q1 Conference preparations underway

 Staffing careers

 New HR’s: @Itz_Ewannn & @PlanetJosh_YT

 Congratulations passers

 Work hard for staff awards! 

 Thankyou for checking out our newsletter. We encourage you to invite friends to our airline and join the roblox group, We'll see you soon at our amazing flights!