Newsletter 16/11/2022
Wednesday Weekly News & Notices
No flight today so a NewsLetter instead!
Development development
- Development break post new route
- E190 weight balanced
- /flip command updated
- General airport bug fixes
- Newcastle bug fixes
- Announcement sounds fixed
- Music system to be worked on
- Leeds refurbishment project outlined
- Leeds major structural and interior improvements planned
- Major current projects: Leeds and new plane
- Premium users get to see early development sneak-peeks !
Flights and Management announcements
Thanks for 1440 ROBLOX group members!
Thank you for high passenger attendance!
Please be conscious pf Mock exam season
Well done @luke_rbIx 🎄 on hosting his first flights
Remembrance appreciated
Moments of silence during flights
Please boost us for many perks!
Friday's flight:
Flight hosted (Tuesday) despite roblox outage
Continued advertisement resulting in new discord members
Staffing careers
Well done to applicant passers, don't waste the opportunity!
Make sure to contact HR's for WEX dates
Please organise trainings!
Thankyou for checking out our newsletter. We encourage you to invite friends to our airline and join the roblox group, We'll see you soon at our amazing flights!