Newsletter 04/05/2022
Wednesday Weekly News & Notices
No flight today so a (smaller) NewsLetter instead!
Development development
- Wick 85% complete
- Wick has been the main focus of development
- Testing of possible new aircraft
- Updated bus to be released this weekend
- Various bug fixes and small upgrades
- Development plan set out for the next few months
Flights and Management announcements
Thanks for 930 ROBLOX group members!
Successful Teesside retirement flight
More events shortly being added
Wick Inaugural flight -
Thank you @ for boosting
Passengers more than ever loving flights
Less flight pings per flight as demand stabilises
Staffing careers
New staff to welcome going into the weekend.
Piloting and Cabin Crew remain open.
Trainees and WEX's keep in contact for dates.
Thankyou for checking out our newsletter. We encourage you to invite friends to our airline and join the roblox group, We'll see you soon at our amazing flights!