Newsletter 06/07/2022

Wednesday Weekly News & Notices

No flight today so a NewsLetter instead!

Development development

- Leeds Bradford Exterior facelift

- Leeds Bradford Cabin Bar

- Leeds Bradford Entrance extension

- Leeds Bradford Entrance area changes

- Leeds Braford Entrance new floor texture

- Leeds Bradford Entrance area increased realism

- Leeds Bradford exterior lights & sidewalk texture and changes

- Leeds Bradford check in re-arrangement space saver

- Leeds Bradford 1st floor slight changes as next phase looms and exterior wall changes

- Rain re-introduced at flights

 Flights and Management announcements

Thanks for 990 ROBLOX group members!

Successful Friday flight for white sharks

Nitro Giveaway hosted by @AlexDaPlenPro ongoing

Friday flights to return for summer holidays

More events added

Summer conference reminder -

 Thursday's Humberside flight -

 Lot's of new faces at flights and joining our server

 Passenger demand reduction across ro-av as school ends

 Staffing careers

 SLT are going on holiday, expect trainings to ramp up afterwards

 Border Force remains open! Apply now!!

 Stay in contact with your HR's about trainings 

Thankyou for checking out our newsletter. We encourage you to invite friends to our airline and join the roblox group, We'll see you soon at our amazing flights!