Newsletter 16/03/2023

Thursday Weekly News & Notices

 No flight today so a NewsLetter instead!


- Issue where you could not buy the rainbow gamepass resolved

- Check-in system GUI update

ATR Updates

- Logo Light

- Realigned overhead bins

- Realigned seatbelt signs on right side

- Cabin lights and floor lighting now linked to moodighting

- Moodlighting no longer "spills out" of the aircraft as much

- Issue where aircraft would appear exceedingly bright / white outside especially on low graphics fixed (finally)


- Aberdeen Tarmac complete

- Aberdeen interior complete

- Aberdeen village complete

- Aberdeen building complete

- Aberdeen testing underway

- Inaugural March 21'st

- Teasers released

 Flights and Management announcements

Thank you for 2000 ROBLOX group members!

Thank you for 900 discord members!

Raid encountered

 Raid dealt with smoothly

 Raid resulting in many staff-related changes

Flight hosted without SLT - disruption mitigated

Aberdeen marketing

100% of flights landed on time

Thank you @iiDawld for boosting!

Friday's flight:

Eastern Utilities downtime made clear

Aberdeen V2 inaugural:

SLT absences, flight disruption should be mitigated.

New EastTech product!

 Aberdeen 2021 final flight took place

 Q1 conference:

 Staffing careers

 Mass hiring

 New HR @Ardi , OA's @PlanetJosh_YT & @Itz_Ewannn

 Congratulations new staff & Good luck trainees 

 Thankyou for checking out our newsletter. We encourage you to invite friends to our airline and join the roblox group, We'll see you soon at our amazing flights!