
Newsletter 18/01/2024

No flight today so a NewsLetter instead!


 Flights and Management ⁠announcements

Thank you for 3200 (Almost 3300) members!

7 days until Christmas daily giveaways

Christmas airport and server themes

Thank you @Tree56356 for boosting!

Ticket price increase due to high demand

Plane swap this weekend

New event feature in use

New years/xmas transition celebrations

Successful winter conference

New partner: Air Vatican

EastTech Leeds restock

Watch our conference here: https://youtu.be/-ZWMvXsmxcs

2024 Trailer: https://youtu.be/dsdhSEDujAc

 Check out our latest Tik Toks ⁠socials !

 Staffing ⁠careers

 Many new vacancies filled

 Staff are encouraged to proceed with MR training offerings

 Staff awards distributed at conference with more to come