
Isn't it time your career took off?

There is much more to running an airline than just flying a plane. Each and every member of the Eastern Airways family are as important to the operation of this organisation as any other. 

That's why here at Eastern Airways, we look to employ the very best person for every position. Providing the best service to all of our customers is priority and to make that happen, we all have to have the right attitude, the right approach and the right mentality.

There are many perks for joining the Eastern Airways family including; low activity requirements, A tried and tested curriculum, easily climb ranks, unique staff systems, ROBUX awards at each conference, free training & no uniform cost, make friends and be part of running Eastern Airways ROBLOX, emergency landings once a month, and more!

To apply you must be 13+ and not have safe chat, you must also not have any complications within the ro-av community. (Exploiting, gossiping etc) Please keep in mind that the department that you apply for may not be open.

Careers system:

1) Application (You apply with detailed information and grammar using our online form)

2) Work experience (You get toured around at a flight and informed about how a particular department works)

3) Training (Passing the WEX, you undergo multiple days of training that cover every aspect)

4) Staff member (Passing all the training, you become staff. You can attend flights and have fun with a fair awards system)

Take a look at some of the current positions available below:


Cabin Crew

Border Force

To apply, head over to our Discord server and ensure you are in the group, links are below.