Newsletter 27/01/2022


- New route well underway

- New ATC tower, reduced lag and slanted edge; LBA upgrades

- Re-introduction of arriving at departure

- Q1 Development Conference date set out:

- Tarmac at New route complete. You will Sea.

- Upgraded FOV slider

- Polls in development for a new friday time.

- New flight day coming soon? 

 Flights and Management 

600rs giveaway at 600 group members.

Standard Plus Giveaway finished

New allyship with British Airways

Slight drop in passenger numbers due to school

 Health And safety changed to: Border Force & EMT

 Staffing careers

 Cabin Crew, Health & Border Force & EMT!

 Increased staff activity and swift on-demand training / WEX's

 We pay 60 robux per 20 points.  

Thankyou for checking out our newsletter. We encourage you to invite friends to our airline and join the roblox group, We'll see you soon at our amazing flights!