Newsletter 08/06/2022

Wednesday Weekly News & Notices

No flight today so a NewsLetter instead!

 Development development

- Humberside completed

- Humberside video -

- Wick Gate 1 now operational

- Humberside Inaugural

- General bug fixes

- Teddy bear new animations

- Jubilee theme ended

- Development halt due to exams

 Flights and Management announcements

Thanks for 930 ROBLOX group members!

Thank you @AptExe for buying sponsor!

Thank you @/e free for buying sponsor!

Giveaway completed; open a ticket

Surge in social media posts socials

Return of Friday flights for the summer season

Busy weekend flights

Some less activity due to exams

Daily server banner changes

Thursday's flight:

 Staffing careers

 Border Force and Cabin Crew open!

 Ask your HR for training / WEX's.

 Cabin Crew to close soon. 

Thankyou for checking out our newsletter. We encourage you to invite friends to our airline and join the roblox group, We'll see you soon at our amazing flights!