Newsletter 17/08/2022
Wednesday Weekly News & Notices
No flight today so a NewsLetter instead!
Development development
- Gibraltar mesh-optimisations
- SOU part count reduced by 15k.
- SOU made mobile friendly
- SOU tool / asset installations
- SOU system installations
- SOU bug fixes
- SOU teasers and marketing
- SOU testing underway
- SOU interrogation rooms
- 2 new projects underway
- Premium users get to see early development sneak-peeks !
Flights and Management announcements
Thanks for 1150 ROBLOX group members!
Cardiff retirement -
Southampton Inaugural -
Surge in passenger demand
@Eastern Utilities downtime and disruption warned of
First emergency landing of the year
New group blacklist
Lot's of prizes awarded from giveaway / kahoot game night
Staffing careers
High Border Force demand after tik tok
All departments closed
Contact HR's for training / WEX dates
Thankyou for checking out our newsletter. We encourage you to invite friends to our airline and join the roblox group, We'll see you soon at our amazing flights!