
Newsletter 08/06/2023

Thursday Weekly News & Notices

 No flight today so a NewsLetter instead!


Flights and Management ⁠announcements 

Thank you for 2330 members!

Newaquay 21' released in EastTech

Downtimes made clear

Possible disruption starting 16th June for 1 week

Friday's flight: https://discordapp.com/events/823165401029541928/1106297969629732977

Summer conference: https://discordapp.com/events/823165401029541928/1106301542052663419

Exploiters ecnountered and minimsed

Procautions effective in clearing exploits

Good luck in exams!

Boost to help us get back to level 3!

Various new tik tok's ⁠socials!

 Staffing ⁠careers

Congratulations to our new Captains!

WEX's/ trainees make sure you get trainings booked!

Well done to our many new staff!

 Thankyou for checking out our newsletter. We encourage you to invite friends to our airline and join the roblox group, We'll see you soon at our amazing flights!