Newsletter 11/05/2022

Wednesday Weekly News & Notices

No flight today so a NewsLetter instead!

 Development development

- Flight schedule game re-made

- Finishing touches to Wick

- Wick bug fixes


- Extra gate at Leeds with Jetway

- Commencing of Humberside Interior revamp

- Check into E190 bumps at Cardiff

- Remaining Wick bug fixes

 Flights and Management announcements

Thanks for 950 ROBLOX group members!

Popular Wick Inaugural flight

 More events added

Thank you for 400 discord members!

Giveaway ends in two days

More advertisements being used

Wick flights added to replace Humberside until June

Staffing careers

Careers application vanished, working with google to retrieve it.

 Many new staff welcomed onto the team.

 Trainees and WEX's please organise dates. 

 Thankyou for checking out our newsletter. We encourage you to invite friends to our airline and join the roblox group, We'll see you soon at our amazing flights!