Newsletter 18/05/2022

Wednesday Weekly News & Notices

No flight today so a NewsLetter instead!

 Development development

- New Gate area added to Leeds

- Wick bug fixes

- E190 testing at Leeds

- Large section of LBA tarmac de-lagged

- Sounds fixed at Wick


- Development on more areas at Leeds

- Work on Humberside

 Flights and Management announcements

Thanks for 970 ROBLOX group members!

Clear increase in passenger numbers

More events being added shortly

All giveaway winners awarded

Thank you to @OliverRosik for boosting 3 times!

Wifi issues fixed, expect improvements in flights!

Wick flights added to replace Humberside until June

Thanks to @Kad_Dev for purchasing sponsor!

Staffing careers

Well done to our Newest flight host trainee: @Kad_Dev

 Border Force has now Opened!

 Ask your HR for training / WEX timings! 

 Thankyou for checking out our newsletter. We encourage you to invite friends to our airline and join the roblox group, We'll see you soon at our amazing flights!