Newsletter 09/03/2022


- Small development break due to SLT absence

- Cardiff finishing like boats done in time for release

- Website upgrades

- Check out the website changes here -

- Q1 Development Conference date set out:

- Bug patches

- Lots more development planned for next week

 Flights and Management announcements

Notable passenger increases

 Back to full schedule after short SLT absence

Thanks for 690 roblox group members!

Giveaway at 700 roblox group members

 Successful introduction of new weekend timing

 Addition weekend flight added

 Mainly successful Cardiff inaugural

 Cardiff flights Saturdays and Thursdays

 More events added, select 'interested'!

 Tomorrow's Cardiff flight:

 Staffing careers

Border Force / EMT & Piloting is Hiring!

 Congratulations new HR's: @gabbepabbe10 @xCuteGirlx222

 Keep in touch with HR's for training. 

Thankyou for checking out our newsletter. We encourage you to invite friends to our airline and join the roblox group, We'll see you soon at our amazing flights!