Newsletter 02/11/2022

Wednesday Weekly News & Notices

No flight today so a NewsLetter instead!

Development development

- Project D Gates completed

- Project D Lounge completed

- Project D Testing completed

- Project D Activity completed

- Project D Bug fixes completed

- Project D Departure boards completed

- Project D Marketing

- Project D Gate & other systems completed

- Project D, Newcastle - Cardiff, Completed

- New aircraft testing

- New aircraft livery

- E190 tail logo

- Premium users get to see early development of our next airport sneak-peeks !

 Flights and Management announcements

Thanks for 1390 ROBLOX group members!

Thank you for an amazing press conference

Bot disruption warned of

HR's Kad, Felicia host flights will SLT absent

Press Conference:

Please boost us for many perks!

Successful Newcastle Inaugural

New schedule begun

New tik tok

 Continued advertisement

 Busier flights than during off-peak period

 Staffing careers

 Well done to our new HR, @luke_rbIx 🎄!

 Congratulations to @Ardian_king7🎄 on Operations Apprentice!

 Well done to all staff who received promotions! 

Thankyou for checking out our newsletter. We encourage you to invite friends to our airline and join the roblox group, We'll see you soon at our amazing flights!